Award-winning Submissions Announced and Celebrated
March 30, 2022
Register for a free webinar featuring presentations of the winning submissions. Tuesday, April 5 | 2-3:00 p.m. ET
The National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) and The Conference of Consulting Actuaries (CCA) recently announced three winning submissions of the Innovative Public Pension Funding Strategies Award Competition.
Grounded in the principles set forth in the CCA public pension plan funding whitepaper, each submission met the purpose of the competition, which was to spotlight innovative ideas on state and local pension funding policies that can reduce cost volatility, promote intergenerational equity, and assure that pension plans remain on a strong fiscal path over time.
Winning submissions
The Cost of Stability: A Case Study by Robert (Andy) Blough, FSA, EA, MAAA, FCA and Seth Stock, MBA
Risk-Based Funding Policy by Bill Winningham, Michelle Boyles, Aaron Shapiro, and David Kent
Reserve Fund Stabilized Contribution Policy—A Model Public Pension Funding Policy by David Draine